Work hard 🤑 Play hard 🤩
That’s what our Indah smart tote bag is all about. A bag where you can carry to the workplace to help get things done (carry your big old laptop 😅), but also after work when you need to look chic and smart with your friends.
We’ve all been there: dragging around a handbag 😥 , and a carryall and an extra laptop bag, because we could not find the right bag to carry all our effects in style.
The best work bags for #girlbosses should have a few key features.
First, your office-appropriate bag should be functional and roomy enough to carry all your work essentials.
. Wallet? Check✔️
. Laptop? Check✔️
. Phone and charger? Check✔️
. Notebook and pens? Check ✔️
. Water bottle? Check ✔️
. Your little secret to look fresh all day, beauty pouch? Double-check✔️✔️
It’s also chic and compact to carry around with confidence 😎 , from important meetings and lunch errands to your workout and happy hours.
Finally, this tote bag is durable enough to hold up through your daily commutes, work trips abroad, workout and whatever journey life take you next.
But finding a business-appropriate bag that’s both chic and laptop-friendly can be hard work 😰.
Good news, we’re about to make your (work) life really, really easy. Welcome our new Indah bag, the long lost friend you’ve been looking for 😍
- Available in 13 solid colours: Black, Pink, Khaki, Brown, Maroon, Grey, Mustard, Silver Black, Grey Black, Khaki Brown, Maroon Black, Navy Black, Pink Brown
- Material: Synthetic Leather
- Zipper Opening
- Inner Zipper
- Size : P41 X L14 X T29 cm
- Bag's weight : 685gr
- Fit Laptop 14"inch
Box L or Packaging Box L bisa di CO terpisah.
Yuk Baca Review Indah Tote Bag di bawah ini...
10 Rekomendasi Kado Anniversary Terbaik
- Mohon baca deskripsi dengan baik sebelum order
- Tidak menerima retur atau penukaran size / barang
- Akurasi warna 95% karna efek cahaya saat photoshoot dan perbedaan brightness layar HP
- Komplain barang maksimal 2 hari setelah barang diterima dan WAJIB melampirkan video unboxing saat pertama kali buka paket (bukan yang dipacking ulang)
- Kesalahan pembelian karena tidak membaca deskripsi produk dengan baik DILUAR TANGGUNG JAWAB SELLER.
- Tidak menerima penggantian pesanan via CHAT DAN NOTE ORDER, jika ingin mengganti info pesanan silahkan melakukan order ulang